
Media Garage Art Project

Narrowsburg, NY

You have probably heard of the “tiny house” movement. People designing a home and attempting to create a living space with the minimum of square footage. Yet having all the conveniences of a large home.


The is a “tiny studio”… 144 square feet. It will be an audio/video studio complete with video editing workstations, audio interview sound booth and workshop meeting space. Not always everything all at once! In addition to a website that provides access to developing initiatives, there will be a YouTube channel to publish work done by users.


Artists Ron Littke, Gail Rubini, and Conrad Gleber, have pooled their talents and resources to provide access to media production facilities. It is primarily intended to engage young social media users to create and produce original content.

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NEW! From MediaGarage.Art

AR Poetry Experience

An augmented reality experience for viewing curated poetry super-imposed into the real world.
Available now in the IOS App Store and Google Play Store for Android.

We encourage anyone to submit poetry samples for potential inclusion in the AR Poetry Experience app.

Scan the QR code to download

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